The Drive to the Farm

Lauren at SheMovedtoTexas did a lovely, funny post on her blog the other day, all about her journey to the barn where her horse lives. She illustrated it with drawings because she couldn’t take photos and drive at the same time without risking life & limb, but I had the LSH driving the other day, so I decided to take lots of shots and share my daily drive to the farm with the world as well.

The first thing we pass is “Les Granons” – two giant grain silos.


Then we pass through lots of green fields


and I can see my friends MC’s horses in the distance


as we approach the village of Reillanne.


We don’t go right through the village, though, we turn off at this mirror (which is essential for the homeward journey)


and drive through the ‘burbs. If it can be said that a village of 1 500 inhabitants can have ‘burbs, that is.


We pass a borie – an ancient stone shelter


just before we enter the Asian quarter, the place to go for Shiatsu, apparently!


After that, it’s forest all the way up the hill to the farm!

DSCN3968And The Boys!


Anyone else want to share their drive to the yard/barn/farm?