An App for bringing back memories

(This is NOT a sponsored post!)

I’m an iPhone person – I’ve had an iPhone pretty much since they were first available in Ireland. I’ve loved my iPhone since the day I took it out of its attractive, well designed packaging and turned it on – it looks good (so sleek and shiny!), it feels good (so silky smooth!) and, most importantly, it WORKS good (so useful!).

I’m not a big App user, though.  The most frequently used Apps on my iPhone are Scrabble, Google Maps and the weather App provided by France Meteo.  Although I’m a big Facebook user, I actually HATED the Facebook App and removed it after a couple of months – I prefer to view Facebook via Safari.  Yes, I know it gives me a Mobile version of the site, but it’s still better than the App.

Anyway, a couple of weeks ago, a Facebook friend shared a post via something called Timehop.  What’s that, I wondered.  I visited their website and I thought it looked pretty neat, so I installed it.  You give it access to your social media accounts and to your photo storage sites and, every day, it presents you with something you did or posted on that day, one, two, three or more years ago.  A blast from the past, so to speak.

For example, one of the posts it pulled out of Facebook for today was this :


It seems I have Flurry a little over four years now!

You can choose whether or not to share what Timehop gives you, via your choice of social media sites.  So I installed it and I am enjoying the memories it brings up.

But this week it excelled itself.  It pulled up a blog post I had shared on Facebook a year ago, along with this picture.

DSCN1280Which was a nice surprise, because this week is the first anniversary of the death of the bearded gentleman in the foreground, my friend and sidekick for many years, Denis.  And that photo was taken the very last time that the Three Amigos all rode together – Denis, my friend and fellow Wanderly Wagon Anne, and myself.  And it also turned out to be the very last time that I ever rode with Denis.  Only none of us realised just how significant it was at the time.

So when I saw that photo, I went looking for the blog post that I was pretty sure I had written about that particular ride.  It’s on my old (old) blog,, which followed the adventures of Anne and I as we undertook a 500km trek across France.

If you click on the photo above, it’ll take you through to that particular post, “A Typical Irish Weekend, Continued.”  I’d love if you clicked through and read the post.  It won’t take long and there are some pretty pictures.   Take a moment and join me in remembering Denis today, one year after he left us.

And thanks, Timehop, for reminding me of this post.