If you fill it, they will come…

I became very diligent about keeping the bird feeder stocked up during the cold spell. My efforts were rewarded and we now have a large flock of visitors every day.  We are both enjoying watching them and I’ve seen four new (to me) species – Hawfinch, Blackcap, crested tit and nuthatch.  I took some photos with my little camera which are ok-ish, and the LSH got some nice pictures with his posh camera.

The nuthatch was particularly camera shy for a long time, so I’ve included several of pictures of him, just because he was hard to get.  And he’s cute.

If I was a twitcher, they would be ticked off my list now, but I just enjoy them.

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We also have chaffinches, greenfinches, great tits and coal tits.

The blackcap as pictured in the slideshow above is a normal bird shape.  He is a voracious feeder and now has roughly the same dimensions as a bumble bee.  I’m not sure he’s going to be able to fly for much longer…

Thanks, LSH, for the photos.